Tuesday, October 9, 2007


This blog is filled with healthy cooking recipes that I create as I continue my weight loss journey. The recipes on this site will be helpful for anyone who has had the lap band, but also anyone following Weight Watchers or any other healthy eating plan. I am open to submissions as well, so please feel free to send them along to me!

I love food, and I love healthy food just as much as unhealthy food. Having the challenge of cooking delicious food in a healthy way is a great pleasure for me, and I hope the recipes I create will be as delicious to you as they are to me and my family and friends.

Too often, we equate dieting with eating bland salads and cottage cheese on toast. Each of those meals has their place, but there is so much more! Food is one of the simplest pleasures we enjoy on this earth, and if you are challenged with your weight, the chances are, you love food very much. You do not need to deny your love of food to eat healthy - you will have a greater level of success if you can celebrate good foods in your cooking, still enjoying mouthwatering delights.

May all your eating endeavors bring you great joy and health.


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